Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ted Tak

The episode of ted talk that i watched was about the Mr.Condom saving Thailand from becoming over populated i believe. It had become so tremendously over populated they had to formulate a problem solver and they resulted to birth control in all its forms. The most interesting part about the birth control method to me was that they got everyone involved. From school teacherrs to board games, etc, giving examples such as with alphabet games that P was for pills C was for condoms etc. Also with the board games you would select a card iam guessing and it would tell you how many spaces to move based upon what you have selected. Such as if you select that mom takes birth control every night you would get to move spaces ahead, in comparison to if you select that your uncle get drunk and doesnt where a condom you have to go back to start. Another interesting part of this episode was that there were people blessing the condoms and pills so that they can properly work without side affects. Children in school begin to blow condoms up taking pictures and the slogan became "A condom is a girls best friend". This episode made the awareness of condoms into a fun activity for the whole city and as they should, the condoms worked and took the population down. In 1974 there was 7 children for a family 3.3% where as in 200 it took it down to 1.5 children 0.5%.So it shows the resolver they choose was the right decision for Thailand.

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